Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'd like to welcome all readers to my very own blog. For starters, I'd like to introduce myself.

My name, for this blog, is Palioh. I have played an Enhancement Shaman since right before 3.0 was released. The reason I chose to play an Enhancement Shaman is that the talent tree looked like it would provide a very interesting and fun experience. This turned out to be very correct as I enjoy my Shaman as much as I enjoyed my Priest in BC (and that's saying a lot, I loved my Priest).

During my time on the Magtheridon realm (US), I have constantly been among the highest dps Enhancement Shamans in the world. This may sound like I'm tooting my own totem, but facts are facts. My goal is always to push myself in raids and do the most damage possible while maintaining my buffs and raid awareness.

This blog's purpose is to allow me to express my thoughts about anything and everything Enhancement. This is my first blog as well, so I'm hoping it will be a positive experience. :D

So, let's get started!

Yesterday we saw the release of The Plagueworks section of Icecrown. While my guild did not get to attempt Professor Putricide, we got some decent kills on Rotface and Festergut. With Festergut comes Black Bruise. Black Bruise is the first serious, possible weapon upgrade in Icecrown from the Anub'arak 25m heroic weapons.

When I saw that it dropped, I was so excited. To get a new weapon upgrade as soon as it's made available is amazing. The problem is that Black Bruise's proc, Necrotic Touch, seems to be very lackluster. After doing a relatively short auto attack test on the Training Dummy, I found that the proc had about a 1% chance to proc, which confirms early PTR test(s).

My test:

Blizzard released a statement which claimed that they are looking into buffing the weapons with special procs up to the level of the very popular Bryntroll. We can only hope that they do a good, and very quick, job.

Blizzard statement:

Next time I'll post some helpful tips regarding each ICC encounter that may increase your dps/survival.

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