Thursday, January 7, 2010

Black Bruise Buffed + Raiding Tips!

Blizzard went ahead and buffed Black Bruise's proc rate significantly yesterday. Instead of seeing ~15% uptime, I noticed ~45% uptime on the Target Dummy. I'd expect to maintain about 55-65% uptime in raids. This was a huge buff to the weapon and should put it in a spot where it's a clear upgrade over 258 weapons. It has no internal cooldown which means it can, and has numerous times, refresh itself.

I promised some helpful Enhancement Specific tips for the new ICC bosses so here we go!

- Lord Marrowgar:
Marrowgar's a fairly simple fight. The fight is made infinitely easier when you consider that we do not have to run out for Bonestorms. If you trust your healers, stay in Bonestorm without wolves, but keep an eye on your health for Maelstrom healing. If you think your healers are the kind of people that tried to shove the square block into the round hole as children, you may want to pop wolves during Bonestorm instead then lust when its over. It's more important that you dps during Bonestorm than it is for your wolves to get Bloodlust later on.

You should drop your Fire Ele totem as close to the center of the room as possible as the boss is likely to be taken somewhere close to that by the tanks. If, however, your raid positions him in a certain spot every time, well just place it there then :P. Overall this is a decent fight for us, just be careful with Bonestorms and fires together.

- Lady Deathwhisper:
You should be mindlessly slapped onto the boss for this encounter. That said, there's not much to think about here. You're the perfect interrupt for this fight, so make sure you're doing that. Try to stand max range from the boss to maximize the chance that you'll still be able to dps her when there's a Death and Decay placed near you. Outside of avoiding ghosts there's not much for you to concern yourself with. Hit cooldowns as soon as you can and just lay into her. I would suggest placing Fire Ele totem early to avoid losing out on Fire Nova damage later on if the boss must be moved.

- Gunship Battle:
What a silly fight. Place Fire Ele on your ship where the portal spawns for uber rape aoe dps. To fudge the meters once Fire Ele is down, drop a Magma before you leave the other ship on some mobs then Fire Nova on the jump back ^_^. If there aren't any mobs up on your ship, feel free to Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst the riflemen on the other ship. Or you can just run around in circles til the Sorc is up, either way. Be sure to re-drop totems when you go to fight Sorcs and that's about it. Silly fight.

- Deathbringer Saurfang:
What did you do on Patchwerk? Do it here. Blow everything at the start unless you're killing him in under 3:15 or so. If you kill him in this amount of time, save Wolves for Bloodlust time. This is just another mindless melee fight. Enjoy.

- Rotface:
Drop your Fire Ele in the middle to make full use of Fire Nova. If you have to kite, make sure to keep Shocking and Lava Bursting when it's safe, and if you still have Fire Ele up you can Fire Nova as well. This one's almost as easy as the next fight which is...

- Festergut:
What did you do on Deathbringer Saurfang and Patchwerk? Do it here. If you must run to Innoculate the ranged, be sure to keep Shocking and using Fire Nova. Then yell at them for making you run away from the boss. :D

I'll get around to Putricide whenever we actually pull him. Next time I'll give my thoughts on an updated priority given new 4pc and all that stuff.

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