Sunday, January 31, 2010

4piece Tier 10 + TAJ fix inc.

4piece Tier 10
I definitely am not impressed with my 4 piece so far. I got it last night during our 10m ICC run just after Gunship, so I had the majority of the instance to test it.

Looking at my WMO parse from the night, I noticed about a 20% uptime. Now, I can understand that in 10m, where the fights are shorter and I'm missing buffs, the uptime would be slightly lower. Having switched back to haste gems, I was really hoping that this would significantly boost the 4pc uptime to something like 50%, or even and optimistic 60%. So far, however, I've just been disappointed and I'd hate to think what kind of uptime AP gemmed Shamans would see.

When we do 25m next week, all we have left this week is Putricide, I'll post my parse and see if the uptime is any higher. My prediction is that with the increase in fight length and Bloodlust for every boss, I should see at least a 30% uptime. Just for reference, EnhSim puts it at about 34% uptime.

Now I just gotta save my badges for the War Token and that yummy belt. That shouldn't take much longer than two weeks though. :)

As for TAJ:

They know. Hopefully this fix will be put into the next patch, 3.3.2 I think it is. This should prove to be a very good trinket once it's working.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our 10m + Baddies + Trinkets!

So apparently one of our alt 10 man groups, which I went to on my Resto Druid, is more efficient and an overall better group than my normal 10m. It's pretty depressing, but I hope it's just because of the different heals. The alt run had a Resto Druid and Holy Pally, while my normal group has a Resto Shaman and Holy Priest. Oh well, whatever.

Blood Queen was stupid easy on 10m. We wasted attempts in 25m with people who probably need to go back to Naxx so they can learn how to watching their debuffs. It's really embarassing to see some of these people play in the same raids as the people who actually put forth some amount of measurable effort. I'll be dealing with that this week though, via gkicks.

I was lucky enough to have Keleseth's Seducer drop in 25m this week and the Marrowgar 10m cloak, so I'm lookin pretty set in gear for a good while. My biggest concern, dps-wise, are my trinkets.

Whispering Fanged Skull (WFS)
Deathbringer's Will (DBW)
Tiny Abom in a Jar (TAJ)

First I'd like to note that since I have these great trinket options, I decided to hold off on buying the War Token trinket until I've obtained all the tier pieces I want.

So I've been looking over these trinkets and the deciding factor ends up being how they affect me and my crit cap. I'm going to list the different setups and the pros and cons of each.

1) TAJ + DBW
I originally assumed that this setup, remember that I'm ignoring HWT for the moment, was going to be the strongest. This may or may not be correct. When I realized that with full raid buffs and the Agility DBW proc, I was actually slightly over my own white Crit Cap (I think), I thought there might be a better option. As I said, this would put me at, or really close, to my WHITE crit cap. Agility and, even better, Crit will still affect my melee and spell specials until 100%. Still a strong combo for the Haste and AP procs, but the next might be a bit better.

The static crit on WFS is generally viewed as more usefull than the static Arp on DBW. The Proc is also slightly more reliable on WFS. I'm currently sitting at a low amount of haste, so not having the Haste proc from DBW kinda sucks, but overall I feel like WFS is a better choice than DBW.

I don't see a way you can make this really work unless you have a crazy amount of hit or very little crit. That's not to say it's a bad choice, just not the optimal of the three.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Putricide Down + Tiny Abom in a Jar!

So we got Putricide down in 25m. Was a fun fight and it seemed to go even more smoothly after the aoe damage got buffed.

As a result, I got the Tiny Abom in a Jar trinket! I was pretty excited, yet some part of me wanted to pass it to one of our rogues. Anyway, I took it and am waiting to see the results. I posted on EJ how Stormstrike was actually giving 3 chances for Motes of Anger, most probably due to the 2 hits + the application of the SS debuff. Anyway, it's looking like it'll make up about 2% or so of my overall dps, which is strangely similar to Black Bruise. The best things about TAiaJ are:

1) The proc will scale very well with gear. It also can, apparently, proc everything from that swing. Let's say it procs a Main Hand extra swing, that's another chance to proc Windfury, and it's the same with the offhand, a chance to proc Flametongue. The trinket procs also have a chance to proc Maelstrom, Berserking, Ring procs, Trinket procs, etc.

2) The large amount of hit on it will allow you to push your crit cap a bit higher. We're currently really close to the crit cap, at it with some trinket procs, and so more hit will allow us some breathing room in that regard.

Current Enhance BiS sheet shows TAiaJ as being a BiS trinket, but things change. Let's hope it ends up being BiS cuz I would feel kinda bad for one of our Rogues if it isn't. ^_^

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shaman Vent Omg + Possible New Rotation?

So Eklo gave of himself a vent for all Shamans. I'll most probably be on there in case people have questions or whatever, but it's mostly just to hang out and talk

I've been thinking about the standard priority rotation since Blizzard released the 4pc tier 10 bonus for Enhancement. Currently, it is widely believed that you want to prioritize shocks over Stormstrike (ex: FS > ES_SS > SS). Once we obtain 4pc t10, however, I really think we'll be putting Stormstrike ahead of Shocks in order to maximize the bonus' uptime. So, the priority would look something like this:

Maelstrom x5
Magma Totem
Flame Shock
Earth Shock
Lava Lash
Fire Nova
Lightning Shield

Since I've moved away from using the sim, I've been having my own personal debates on Lava Lash vs Fire Nova. Right now, I'm sticking with Lava Lash before Nova simply because LL's potential damage is much higher than Fire Nova's. LL's normal damage (which is nothing to scoff at) plus the Flametongue proc, plus the possible Maelstrom stack should make it more worthwhile on boss fights. I really have no math to back this up with, but it's what my brain is telling me is best. I did place Lightning Shield at the end, but don't miss a spare global opportunity to refresh Lightning Shield charges if you can.

I'm really tired at this point, so this post will be rather short. We're pulling Professor Putricide on 25m on Sunday, so wish us luck. :D

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Black Bruise Buffed + Raiding Tips!

Blizzard went ahead and buffed Black Bruise's proc rate significantly yesterday. Instead of seeing ~15% uptime, I noticed ~45% uptime on the Target Dummy. I'd expect to maintain about 55-65% uptime in raids. This was a huge buff to the weapon and should put it in a spot where it's a clear upgrade over 258 weapons. It has no internal cooldown which means it can, and has numerous times, refresh itself.

I promised some helpful Enhancement Specific tips for the new ICC bosses so here we go!

- Lord Marrowgar:
Marrowgar's a fairly simple fight. The fight is made infinitely easier when you consider that we do not have to run out for Bonestorms. If you trust your healers, stay in Bonestorm without wolves, but keep an eye on your health for Maelstrom healing. If you think your healers are the kind of people that tried to shove the square block into the round hole as children, you may want to pop wolves during Bonestorm instead then lust when its over. It's more important that you dps during Bonestorm than it is for your wolves to get Bloodlust later on.

You should drop your Fire Ele totem as close to the center of the room as possible as the boss is likely to be taken somewhere close to that by the tanks. If, however, your raid positions him in a certain spot every time, well just place it there then :P. Overall this is a decent fight for us, just be careful with Bonestorms and fires together.

- Lady Deathwhisper:
You should be mindlessly slapped onto the boss for this encounter. That said, there's not much to think about here. You're the perfect interrupt for this fight, so make sure you're doing that. Try to stand max range from the boss to maximize the chance that you'll still be able to dps her when there's a Death and Decay placed near you. Outside of avoiding ghosts there's not much for you to concern yourself with. Hit cooldowns as soon as you can and just lay into her. I would suggest placing Fire Ele totem early to avoid losing out on Fire Nova damage later on if the boss must be moved.

- Gunship Battle:
What a silly fight. Place Fire Ele on your ship where the portal spawns for uber rape aoe dps. To fudge the meters once Fire Ele is down, drop a Magma before you leave the other ship on some mobs then Fire Nova on the jump back ^_^. If there aren't any mobs up on your ship, feel free to Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst the riflemen on the other ship. Or you can just run around in circles til the Sorc is up, either way. Be sure to re-drop totems when you go to fight Sorcs and that's about it. Silly fight.

- Deathbringer Saurfang:
What did you do on Patchwerk? Do it here. Blow everything at the start unless you're killing him in under 3:15 or so. If you kill him in this amount of time, save Wolves for Bloodlust time. This is just another mindless melee fight. Enjoy.

- Rotface:
Drop your Fire Ele in the middle to make full use of Fire Nova. If you have to kite, make sure to keep Shocking and Lava Bursting when it's safe, and if you still have Fire Ele up you can Fire Nova as well. This one's almost as easy as the next fight which is...

- Festergut:
What did you do on Deathbringer Saurfang and Patchwerk? Do it here. If you must run to Innoculate the ranged, be sure to keep Shocking and using Fire Nova. Then yell at them for making you run away from the boss. :D

I'll get around to Putricide whenever we actually pull him. Next time I'll give my thoughts on an updated priority given new 4pc and all that stuff.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'd like to welcome all readers to my very own blog. For starters, I'd like to introduce myself.

My name, for this blog, is Palioh. I have played an Enhancement Shaman since right before 3.0 was released. The reason I chose to play an Enhancement Shaman is that the talent tree looked like it would provide a very interesting and fun experience. This turned out to be very correct as I enjoy my Shaman as much as I enjoyed my Priest in BC (and that's saying a lot, I loved my Priest).

During my time on the Magtheridon realm (US), I have constantly been among the highest dps Enhancement Shamans in the world. This may sound like I'm tooting my own totem, but facts are facts. My goal is always to push myself in raids and do the most damage possible while maintaining my buffs and raid awareness.

This blog's purpose is to allow me to express my thoughts about anything and everything Enhancement. This is my first blog as well, so I'm hoping it will be a positive experience. :D

So, let's get started!

Yesterday we saw the release of The Plagueworks section of Icecrown. While my guild did not get to attempt Professor Putricide, we got some decent kills on Rotface and Festergut. With Festergut comes Black Bruise. Black Bruise is the first serious, possible weapon upgrade in Icecrown from the Anub'arak 25m heroic weapons.

When I saw that it dropped, I was so excited. To get a new weapon upgrade as soon as it's made available is amazing. The problem is that Black Bruise's proc, Necrotic Touch, seems to be very lackluster. After doing a relatively short auto attack test on the Training Dummy, I found that the proc had about a 1% chance to proc, which confirms early PTR test(s).

My test:

Blizzard released a statement which claimed that they are looking into buffing the weapons with special procs up to the level of the very popular Bryntroll. We can only hope that they do a good, and very quick, job.

Blizzard statement:

Next time I'll post some helpful tips regarding each ICC encounter that may increase your dps/survival.