Wednesday, February 17, 2010

25m Lich King down!

Last night we finally got him. It was more than obvious that this took way too long to do, but whatever, shit got done. Really wish I didn't lag a lot in that fight, then it might be more fun.

This means we get to do Hard Modes next week, which should give me something to do during raids, and something else to aim for. Maybe I can start Frapsing again once we get to them as well.

We also get to do 10m Hard Modes this week. The gear from there, ilvl 264, is really good. Can't wait to get some of it seeing as I have little to no competition in our group for loot. :P I was listening to the other 10m group do Marrowgar on heroic and it sounded like he hits very fucking hard. This means I'll probably end up being Resto for quite a few bosses until we get more gear and more comfortable with the fights. I don't really mind since Resto is still fun to play. As long as I don't have to go Ele, respecing is OK by me. :D

The 4pc t10 is still pissing me off. Take these 2 Deathbringer parses. One is mine(the first) and the other is some lucky Korean asswipe:


Korean Bitch:

Now, if you check out the Buffs and Debuffs tab, you can see the source of my frustration. Out of my 24 Maelstrom Weapon procs, I got 3 Maelstrom Powers(the 4pc bonus. The Korean, however, managed to get 5 Maelstrom Powers out of his 20 Maelstrom Weapon procs. I would love for this to be explained to me! Screw this random, proc-based bullshit that has been present since the class was put into being. Give me something that I can rely on please.

Now, it's only a 200 dps difference between us, and I still have the top US parse for him, but it really bothers me that my 4pc is a random bonus that could completely fuck you or, once in a blue moon, do what it was designed to do.

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