Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Arenas as Beastcleave

First off, I have a short pvp video I made over the course of a night's arena.

Some people wanted to see it, so there it is.

*Section removed*

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Comin back and Hard....Mode tips!

First off I'd like to thank all the people who have come requesting more posts in this blog. I really didn't think a lot of people would read it, so it makes me happy to see that I can help people, or at least entertain them. I really appreciate the support, and I'll try to meet the expectations. So after many very unexpected requests, I am here to post on random and useful Shaman info once again!

Secondly, I'd like to brag a little. This past week we achieved the US 9th Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25), allowing us to fly around on very smexy drakes. I'm very proud of us and I guess this is a good way to start my Helpful Heroic Tips for Enhancement. Enhancement Shamans are very delicate flowers and we need all the help we can get in order to keep up with the big boys.


Heroic Helpful Tips:

Lord Marrowgar:

If you really wanna push the dps, make sure you save wolves for Bonestorm phases and drop Fire Ele right before them. Keep Flame Shocks rolling on the boss and remember that he has a HUGE hitbox. Don't forget to always be doing damage! Utilize Maelstrom'd Lightning Bolts and Lava Burst whenever the boss is out of range. Of course you prioritize bone spikes at all times. Other than that, just stick close to him during normal phases so that you don't have to worry about the evil fires!

Lady Deathwhisper:

This is a very dangerous fight come phase 2 and your role is completely dependent on how your guild handles the fight. If you are on add duty, I would recommend that you ask your guild to let you be on the boss and put more aoe-intensive/threat heavy melee on the adds. Anyway, let's focus on phase 2 since it's the meat of the fight. Fire Ele in the middle of your boss tanking area so that you can focus on more important things. You should be able to get every other interrupt, so make sure that's one of your 2 top priorities. The other one is DON'T GET HIT BY GHOSTS! That is the biggest part of this fight. A single ghost can wipe the raid if it's followed by a Frostbolt Volley. Frostbolt Volley does seem to be pushed off his ability list as long as you keep interrupting Frostbolts, so that's a nice side benefit. I would suggest you play this fight as safe as possible. I basically turn into Pussioh for the duration of phase 2. My job is to do decent damage while avoiding ghosts and interrupting Frostbolts. Last thing, don't forget to Hex mind controls, especially on melee.


Uh...stand there and dps. You can Chain Lightning the Blood Beasts (it doesn't suffer the aoe penalty) for extra epeen flexing, or you can bullshit your raid leader and tell him "it's to help the pussy casters" lolololololol.


Another standard fight. Green shit is placed under your feet to let you know that a green blob of rapeyourdps is about to land on you. We just have our melee move foot to foot every time he throws a goo. You CAN miss a single spore if you use Sham Rage for the bloat. You should be able to use 3 Rages before the first bloat IF AND ONLY IF you use them ASAP. Avoid green shit at all costs and do many deepz.


Once again, not a very complicated fight. Drop fire totem before you run out with diseases and continue to dps with LB/CL/LvB and Fire Nova whenever possible at range.

Professor Putricide:

Don't put too much focus on your Magma Totem for this fight, but don't forget it either. You want to make sure it's down every time an ooze spawns so that it can hit the ooze and the boss. You also want to CL every time the ooze runs past the boss. You generally want to hang on the side of the oozes since they seem to be a little touchy with their hitboxes. I still haven't found a great spot for Fire Elemental. Try to set the totem down in the middle for maximum possible range on the Ele.

Blood Prince Council:

DO NOT GET HIT BY MULTIPLE EMPOWERED SHOCK VORTEXES. Save your wolves' Spirit Walk ability, and possibly Rocket Boots, for moving between targets. Shadow prison stacks are based on how long you're moving, so movement speed increases will reduce the chances for you to get buttraped while all the other melee sit comfortably with 40k health. As usual, hit cooldowns every time they're up, but save like speed pots, and maybe lust, for the caster mob since he should have the least chance to turn and parry you or some shit.

Blood Queen Lanathel:

As I said before, you have to keep dps'ing at all times. If you get Pact of the Darkfallen or Swarming Shadows, make sure to drop a new fire totem for Fire Nova and keep shocking. Save personal cooldowns for your bite turn, Fire Ele during your last phase, and that should be it.

Valithria Dreamwalker:

Save cooldowns for the Blazing Skeletons. This is a good fight to utilize your full utility. Drop Earthbinds on Suppressors and the worms that spawn out of dead Aboms. Fire Ele in between the two gates for max use. When you're not dps'ing, heal the boss with Lesser Healing Waves. Overall not a dps fight. If you're the only Shamans, have the healers call for Bloodlust whenever they're ready for it.


Fuck this fight. Remove as much Haste oriented gear as possible. I switch out my Tiny Abom for a Whispering Fanged Skull and I switch out my Haste totem for the AP one (the names escape me at 6am). I wouldn't recommend going higher than 6 or 7 stacks of Chilled to the Bone. While you're waiting for your stacks to reset, you must still do damage! Keep Flame Shock rolling, Magma Totem down, then just Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock, and Fire Nova. You could also use this time to refresh Lightning Shield or heal your dumb rogues who think they're special and go to like 10 stacks of Chilled to the Bone. IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DUMBFUCK ABOUT IT, GO MAKE US ALL A SANDWICH ASSHOLE!

THE LICH KING (he deserves caps):

Yea ok, I'll let ya know when we get some solid attempts in soon.

I didn't include Gunship for obvious reasons. :P


So I wanna recap a few general dps tips that can be applied to any fight.
1) Always be doing damage. If you're in melee, do your complete rotation. If you're at range, use your ranged abilities to keep up the dps.
2) Place your Fire Elemental at a central point so that he has the least chance of leashing. Also try to place it during or right before Bloodlust. This will allow you to maximize your GCD usage during Lust.
3) Don't screw up your rotation. We have to play damn near perfectly to even keep up with other melee, so try your best every fight!

Whenever I wake up I'll respond to the questions about Tiny Abom since I've gotten a few of them. The quick answer is that it's amazing if you're in 264+ gear with like 46%+ unbuffed crit and around 400-500 hit. Feel free to hit me up in game with specific questions whenever.

Peace and much love,
The Palioh